A Cause for Holiday Cheer: An Uncommon Act of Leadership
Leadership demands that our leaders model the behaviors that we wish to see in others. Lately, however, the most conspicuous actions by...
Innovation can be learned. 20 years ago I was a CPA and was told that Innovation belonged ONLY to a select group of creatives, not to the everyday professional.
They were wrong.
Creativity and innovation can be developed through deliberate practice. For more than a decade, I have embarked on an innovation journey to study, research and to deliberately practice the habit of innovation. After designing and leading one of the world's largest corporate innovation programs, I began to curate the insights, stories and practices that I have personally witnessed help transform everyday professionals into Deliberate Innovators.
Each week, I will share a new story and a challenge that will enable you to practice the capabilities that have helped others become successful innovators.